In 1937, a mysterious figure by the name of Louise McWhirter unveiled her method of looking at the position of planets at the time of a New Moon.
I admit, her book is wickedly complicated. I read it 17 times before it started to make sense.
I have applied a nuance to her technique. This nuance forms the basis for my writings and my annual Almanacs.
I recently had an email from a person who sounded very exasperated that he could not get the McWhirter stuff to make sense.
Without going into a lot of detail, I will say this much (and subscribers to my materials will agree…):
At the New Moon, I look to see if the New Moon event is at a hard aspect to any of the May 1792 horoscope wheel points. (the NYSE traces its origins to May 1792).
I then look for dates when the transiting Moon (and Sun and Mars) passes by key features of the 1792 natal horoscope wheel.
I find that one can navigate quite nicely through the pivot/swing points on a price chart of the S&P 500 by watching for these transits and aspects.
Yes, McWhirter back in her day was able to predict whether a coming month would be good or bad on the NYSE. In today’s more complex markets, I find that my nuanced approach tells me all I need to know.
I have gone even further and applied other cosmic events to my efforts to navigate the NYSE (S&P 500) chart. These events mainly pertain to Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
I hope this all makes sense. Take a look at my website ( and study the sample newsletters I have on the site.